
Making money with AI might sound like something reserved for tech gurus, but it’s actually much simpler than you think. With just a few AI tools and some simple search codes, you can unlock ways to make money without diving into complicated programming or spending hours searching for opportunities.

In this article, I’ll walk you through how to make money with AI using straightforward tools like ChatGPT, Bing, and Perplexity, paired with specific search codes.

These methods can help you find niche markets, create valuable content, and even assist businesses – all with AI doing most of the work. Let’s dive in and see how easy it can be.

The Power of Codes and AI

AI tools like ChatGPT, Bing, and Perplexity are designed to make information gathering easy. You don’t need any special technical knowledge to use them. Just input simple commands or questions, and these tools will help you find the information you need to make money with AI. They can search the internet, process large amounts of data, and even help create content, all at your command.

Search codes are special phrases or commands you can add to your searches to get more focused results. Instead of spending hours scrolling through irrelevant pages, you can use these codes to tell AI exactly what to find. For example:

  • define: helps you get precise definitions.
  • all in title: finds results that have your exact keywords in their titles.
  • site: limits your search to a specific website.
  • related: find websites related to the one you already like.
  • filetype: find PDFs or Excel files. Just type filetype:pdf or filetype:xls, followed by your keyword.
  • blogurl: spit out blogs with that keyword in the URL for specific blogs in your niche. Type blogurl: followed by your keyword (e.g., “fishing”)
GPT-o1-preview (via )

These simple codes act like a magnifying glass, helping AI hone in on valuable information quickly. When you combine AI tools with search codes, you can dig up hidden opportunities much faster, and that means making money with AI becomes even easier.

Now that you understand the basics, let’s talk about how you can use these AI tools and search codes to actually make money with AI.

Finding Niche Markets to Make Money with AI

Finding a profitable niche market is one of the best ways to make money with AI. By using search codes, you can easily discover untapped areas where people are spending money, and where you can insert yourself to make a profit.

For example, using the all in title: code, you can find specific affiliate marketing opportunities.

If you search for “all in title: Amazon affiliate niche,” AI will show you websites or blogs targeting these niches. Let’s use GPT 4o (my favorite model) in USnap.

Once you’ve found a profitable niche, you can create content, join affiliate programs, and start earning commissions. It’s a simple but effective way to make money with AI, without the need for an extensive setup.

Creating Helpful Reports to Earn Big

Another great way to make money with AI is by turning the data you gather into helpful, organized reports. Once you’ve found valuable information, you can compile it into an easy-to-read format, and sell it to those who don’t have the time or skills to do the research themselves.

For example, after finding a profitable niche, you could create a report titled “Top 10 Affiliate Marketing Tools for Beginners.” Include details like tools, pricing, and benefits, and make it easy to follow. People are always looking for useful, organized information that saves them time, and they’re often willing to pay for it. To increase your earnings, you can even include affiliate links in your reports, earning you commissions when readers make purchases through your links.

Building Databases with AI to Get Money

If you enjoy organizing data, building databases with AI can be another way to make money. You can use AI tools like ChatGPT or Perplexity to gather large sets of information, such as blog URLs, affiliate programs, or top keywords in a specific niche.

For example, you could create a list of “Top 200 Meditation Blogs” and offer it to fitness brands looking to promote their products. These brands will gladly pay for well-researched data that saves them the hassle of searching for it themselves.

AI can gather this information quickly, and all you need to do is organize it. By selling access to these databases, you can create a reliable stream of income. The beauty of this method is that businesses are always in need of fresh, relevant data, so the demand is constant.

Generating Leads for Businesses

Generating leads is one of the easiest ways to start making money with AI right now. Many small businesses don’t have the time or knowledge to optimize their online presence, and that’s where you come in. Use AI to find businesses that need help, then offer them SEO services, marketing insights, or website improvements.

For instance, using the all in title: code, you can search for businesses like “all in title: Los Angeles electrician” and discover potential clients.

Offer them a report on how they can improve their website’s search engine ranking, and you could quickly turn that into a paid service. Many businesses will pay for help in getting more traffic, and with AI, the research work is already done for you.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Make Money with AI Starting Today

Ready to get started? Here’s a simple, step-by-step guide to help you start making money with AI right away.

Step 1: Choose Your AI Tool for Making Money

Pick between ChatGPT, Bing, or Perplexity AI. Each of these tools will help you gather the information you need to start earning.

Step 2: Use Basic Search Codes to Make Money with AI

Start with search codes like all in title:, define:, and site: to focus your searches. This helps AI find exactly what you need quickly and efficiently.

Step 3: Find Your Niche and Make Money with AI

Use the codes to identify niche markets where people are spending money. Look for blogs, affiliate programs, or websites where you can enter and make a profit.

Step 4: Create Your First Report to Make Money with AI

Once you’ve gathered valuable data, turn it into a helpful report or guide. This could be something like “Top 50 Health Blogs to Follow” or “Best Affiliate Marketing Tools.” Organize it clearly and add affiliate links if possible.

Step 5: Offer Your Services to Make Money with AI

Find businesses that need help with SEO, marketing, or website optimization. Offer them your findings in a report or proposal, and charge for your services.

Why you’re still waiting?

Making money with AI doesn’t need to be complicated or overwhelming. By using simple search codes and AI tools like ChatGPT, Bing, and Perplexity, you can uncover profitable markets, create valuable reports, and assist businesses in improving their online presence. Whether you’re looking for niche opportunities or helping businesses grow, AI can do much of the heavy lifting, making your job easier.

So, why not give it a try? Start with a small project today, and you may find yourself on the path to earning money with AI faster than you expected.

By Wendy

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